Resources for serious Japanese learners

  1. GCSE Essay Writing Sheet
  2. JLPT Exam Timetable
  3. Marugoto Global
  4. Hiragana/Katakana Practice Sheet
  5. the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow Hiragana Cards
  6. Hiragana 46
  7. Hiragana Expanded
  8. Hiragana – Writing Out
  9. Katakana
  10. Essay practice sheet (160 letters)
  11. Revised Survival Phrases
  12. GCSE 864 Important Hiragana Words
  13. GCSE-all key words
  14. Survival Phrases Exercises
  15. Useful phrases to survive in Japan
  16. Model Verbs
  17. Te-Form Practice
  18. i-adjectives
  19. Marugoto A1 Activity Can-Do List
  20. Marugoto A1 Competance Grammar List
  21. Model Verbs – Masu forms
  22. Model Verbs in Masu form
  23. HiraganaWorkbook
  24. Learn Hiragana with pictures
  25. Learn Katakana with pictures
  26. 56 important verbs with translation
  27. 56 Verb Exercises
  28. List of model verbs – how to conjugate them.
  29. Practice sheet to revise the sheet above (List of model verbs)
  30. Revise Masu-forms of model verbs
  31. ModelVerbsMasuFormsFilled


  32. 160 kanji for Beginners with an aim to pass N4/N5
  33. Correct forms of verbs with “Before/After/If-constructions
  34. 56 important adjectives with translation
  35. Minna no Nihongo 1 – Chapter-by-Chapter Grammar Summary
  36. Minna no Nihongo 1 – 103 important verbs with pictures
  37. All vocabulary from Minna no Nihongo Book 1 with translation
  38. Minna No Nihongo 2 -Chapter-by-Chapter Grammar Summary
  39. 130-adjectives
  40. 18 important particles
  41. 13 pairs of important transitive/instransitive verbs


  1. transitive and intransitive verbs (24 in total/12 pairs
  2. Qualifying Nouns
  3. Potential forms exercise
  4. Passive Constructions
  5. causative Constructions
  6. Potential Constructions
  7. TARA_When_IF
  8. Potential
  9. Passive
  10. Causative
  11. Causative Passive
  12. Causative Verbs
  13. Potential Verbs
  14. Passive Verbs
  15. Potential,Passive,Causative,Causative Passive
  16.  64 Kau – conjugations


  1. Essential 1,000 words for Beginners
  2. 65-kanji-A1-new
  3. 65-Kanji-Quiz-MarugotoBook-1
  4. 156-kanji-A2-new
  5. 156-Kanji-Quiz-MarugotoBook-2
  6. A man in a French Restaurant